
- Silicon Valley WebGuild San Jose
- The Silicon Valley WebGuild is dedicated to the education and professional development of the San Francisco Bay area Webmaster community.
- San Jose Metropolitan Band San Jose
- The SJMB is an oldfashionedtype concert band. We give performances throughout the Santa Clara Valley of California.
- The San José Choral Project San Jose
- The San José Choral Project is an ensemble composed of 30 multi-talented singers from various parts of the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Churchill Club Campbell
- The Churchill Club provides Silicon Valley with a nonpartisan forum for the exchange of ideas on timely issues, particularly those in which business and politics converge.
- AFTRA San Francisco
- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists-San Francisco Local.
- California Writers' Club -South Bay Branch
- The California Writers' Club is a non-profit professional organization open to published writers to provide writing and market information and to promote fellowship among writers.
- The Cupertino Symphonic Band Cupertino, CA
- The Cupertino Symphonic Band is a non-profit organization with over 50 regular members.
- Brookwood Terrace Neighborhood Association
- This homepage provides information valuable to all residents of Brookwood Terrace Neighborhood, the City of San Jose, and all those beyond our city limits who participate in a new or established neighborhood association. So feel free to explore!
- Silicon Valley Association of Software Entrepreneurs
- An association of San Francisco Bay Area computer software professionals.
- Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange
- F.R.E.E. The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange (F.R.E.E.) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the premise that parenting is a 50/50 proposition.
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- ABAG-Access to Bay Area governments Online (abagOnline)
- Amnesty International USA
- Amnesty International is an independent world-wide human rights movement working impartially for the release of all prisoners of conscience, fair and prompt trials for political prisoners, and an end to torture and executions.
- Silicon Valley Indian Professionals Association
- SIPA-Silicon Valley Indian Professionals Association is a forum for expatriate Indians in the Silicon Valley to contribute towards cooperation between the USA and India and high technology areas. A non-profit voluntary organization based in Santa Clara, California.
- Sierra Club
- The Sierra Club Home Page-One Earth, One Chance